Nov 26, 2021
'Warframe Fashion - Excalibur Exaltation Fashion Follow Me On Twitter - https://twitter.com/coldscar89 Discord - https://discord.gg/XQFph7E Xbox One - Coldscar89 Colors A - Slot P - Corpus - C1, R14 S - Gamma - C4, R1 T - Grinner - C3, R18 A- Hatred - C5, R13 Em/En - Ice - C1,R1 B - Slot P - Grinner - C3,R17 S - Grinner - C4, R17 T - Orokin - C3, R2 A - Gamma - C2, R2 Em/En - Classic Sat - C5, R6 / Classic C5, R7 C- Slot P - Classic Sat. - C3, R16 S - Classic Sat. - C2, R16 T - Dojo - C1, R10 A - Storm - C5, R3 Em/En - Ice - C4,R1 Timestamps The White Knight (C) - 0:00 -0:04 The Exalted (B) - 0:05 - 0:12 The Defender (A) - 013 - 0:22 C,B,A - 0:23 - 0:44 Interlude - (C,B,A) - 0:45 - 1:13 Ending - 1:14 - 1:36 Music - Westworld Theme on Korg Minilogue-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtYiYsnQxks In Warframe, players control the members of the Tenno, a race of ancient warriors who have awoken from centuries of cryosleep to find themselves at war with the Grineer, a matriarchal race of militarized and deteriorated human clones built upon metal, blood, and war; the Corpus, a mega-corporation with advanced robotics and laser technology built upon profit; the Infested, disfigured victims of the Technocyte virus, a reference to Dark Sector; and later the Sentients, an alien force of mechanical beings returning from the Tau system after being driven back centuries ago. Copyright goes to all respected parties'
Tags: warframe , fashion frame , Westworld , excalibur , Excalibur Fashion Frame , Michael Scarpone
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